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Я виж ти къв Хибрид

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2006 14:23
от Celica
FT - HS Hybrid na Toyota :+)


Re: Я виж ти къв Хибрид

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2006 21:56
от Japanese_fever
ohmy.gif Toq design kurti mifki(i razfasova slanina)! biggrin.gif

Mnogo mu kefi, nqkak si me grabna ot purviq put. Ni6to ne mojah da proeta, posle 6te 4eta, no dizajna e super ideen. Ako se ipne tuk tam
i 6te stava stra6no!

Bravo, tova naistina mi haresva! :thumbsup:

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2006 23:27
tozi prototip shte e na avtoshouto v Detroit drugata sedmica, no do kolkoto razbrah niama da stigne do Chicago sad.gif . tova e moje bi sledvashtata Supra

Публикувано на: 30 Дек 2006 01:24
от LordDigital
ALTEZZA написа:tozi prototip shte e na avtoshouto v Detroit drugata sedmica, no do kolkoto razbrah niama da stigne do Chicago sad.gif . tova e moje bi sledvashtata Supra
To tva e mega podobno na Lexus LFA deto pomnis li kak sa gyzihme i vrqhme da go snimame ,posle gledame snimkite - HA IZNENADA - LEGEN! :thumbsup:

Inak interiora e prekaleno futuristichen i veroqtno nema da ima nisto obsto sys nqkakva kola pusnata na konveir ,idiologiata i liniite na designa MOZE BI - ma tva moze samo da se razbera na show-to vyv Tokio koeto e sled baq vreme... i osven tva sym gotov da se hvana na bas sys koito izka che povece Supra nema da ima tva ime ostava vyv istoriqta.

Btw za neLubitelite na Ruskiia Ezik:
http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Fe ... eId=118933

Публикувано на: 30 Дек 2006 03:32
от Japanese_fever
Tozi siluet e prosto mehlem za okoto:
Sled pro4itane na statiqta stava qsno, 4e dizajnerite sa bili inspirirani to fromata triangular(triugulnik)! Ot tam idvat i rezkite linii.
NO kakto kaza Lorda te 6te se iz4istqt, ako r6i da se puska n akonvejra. Vajnoto e, 4e ideqta e mnogo dobra, a realnata kola nqma da otide mnogo dale4 kato design ot concepta.

Публикувано на: 30 Дек 2006 05:34
от Japanese_fever
Lorde, mersi za anglijskata statiq! :thumbsup:

Sled pro4ita i ustanovih, 4e nie tuka si mislim i spodelqme ednakvi
mnenieq ne samo s avtora na statiqta, no i s dizajnerskiq ekip na Toyota baziran v CAli(kakto del_sol-kata bi kazal)! biggrin.gif

Eto nqkolko otrqzuka ot pisanieto, koito mi napraviha vpe4atlenie:
It's pretty unlikely that the muscle-car fanatics within Cobo Hall at the Detroit auto show will spare it a second glance. But we still think there's a glimmer of a good idea in this concept.

Pulna glupost beliq cvat bil motorsport cvqt. Gordeq se s moqta bqla vu6ka Civic! cool.gif (tova v gruga na mqjtapa)
The FT-HS is even painted white because white is not only a pure motorsports color, but it's clean which, Hunter tell us, supports the car's hybrid message.
Za6to prednata baza e po-6iroka ot zadnata, pri sportnite koli ne e li obratnoto?!? unsure.gif
Much like the SC 430, the front track is narrowly wider at 63 inches, while the rear track measures 61.2 inches.
The HSC's long wheelbase should help balance the weight of the sizable battery pack that will be required. In fact, the HSC's weight distribution might even approach the magic mean of 50-percent front/50-percent rear as a result.
"We were thinking about the Formula 1 aesthetic," Hunter tells us. "An aesthetic driven by function. The hard edges all over the FT-HS are aerodynamically functional. We also wanted to boil down the shape of the car to its minimum requirements. We wanted it to look lightweight. We call that 'Subtractive Mass.'"
Naj-vajnata konstataciq:
The Toyota Supra left these shores 10 years ago and Lexus took over the prestige role for the whole company. But as Toyota has crafted generation after generation of reliable yet uninspiring automobiles, the family of Toyota buyers has begun to look a little old. A sports car might be the right thing to wake up a new generation, especially since Toyota has a relevant performance heritage thanks to ownership of a Formula 1 team since 2002, a piece of victory at the 2003 Indianapolis 500, and a new fleet of cars in NASCAR's Nextel Cup for 2007.
Kum posledniq citat stava qsno, 4e dokato ne zaribqt fenofet po Toyota posredstvom avtomobilniq sport v liceto na NASCAR(za6toto naj-mnogo rednetzi gledat NASCAR), nqma smizul da se puska takuv project na konvejra, za6toto nikoj nqma da go otceni po dostojnstvo i respektivno nqma da go kupi. Stava ? za amerikanskata auditoriq.

Публикувано на: 30 Дек 2006 09:35
от hyankov
Japanese_fever написа:Tozi siluet e prosto mehlem za okoto:
Sled pro4itane na statiqta stava qsno, 4e dizajnerite sa bili inspirirani to fromata rectangle(triugulnik)! Ot tam idvat i rezkite linii.
NO kakto kaza Lorda te 6te se iz4istqt, ako r6i da se puska n akonvejra. Vajnoto e, 4e ideqta e mnogo dobra, a realnata kola nqma da otide mnogo dale4 kato design ot concepta.
Готина кола. Ей такъв дизайн ме кефи, аман от сапунерки!

rectangle е правоъгълник
triangle е триъгълник

Публикувано на: 30 Дек 2006 19:26
от Japanese_fever
hyankov написа: Готина кола. Ей такъв дизайн ме кефи, аман от сапунерки!

rectangle е правоъгълник
triangle е триъгълник
To4no taka oburkah se, no ina4e satava vupros za triugulnite formi:
The HSC has a hyperaggressive triangular profile, and this theme is repeated throughout the design.
S 2 dumi - GolEm Kef po otno6enie na dizajna! :thumbsup:

Публикувано на: 09 Май 2007 23:58
от hyankov
Иде... ;)
The June '07 print edition of Automobile is full of juicy information, and one of the more significant bits of news appears in a sidebar on page 30. According to the magazine, Toyota has given the FT-HS hybrid sports car the green light, and the Calty-designed production version will make its debut in 2009. It's being billed by Automobile as the spiritual successor to the late, lamented Supra -- a position that's hard to argue assuming you can look past the probable lack of an inline 6. Like the concept, the two-seat FT-HS will pair the company's Hybrid Synergy Drive with an as-yet-undetermined gasoline engine (the concept utilized a 3.5-liter V6). Power and pricing aren't discussed, but if the numbers thrown around when the concept was introduced -- 400 horses and mid-level dollar amounts -- are feasible, the thing should have plenty of takers.